Author: Patrick Tang

You Have The Power to Change Your Life

Our retreat in Bali has been an amazing experience on many levels.

We have really enjoyed the peaceful, hospitable and calming, at the same time absolutely reviving energy of the island and it’s people.

We have moved on the mat daily and each of the participants have had amazing physical breakthroughs.

We breathed, we meditated and some amazing insights were shared.

We spoke about the amazing yogic philosophy of the inner fight we go through everyday, and how to use the tools given in the ancient scriptures to help us in that inner battle, allowing us to live more conscious and spiritual life daily.

We also focused on letting go of what did not serve us anymore.

We all have things, thoughts, habits, rituals we carry around, knowing they are just a weight to us, but it seems so difficult to set an intention and put in the action to let go of the old to make space for the new… but does it really have to be so hard?

Beginning of the new year brings most of us towards reflexions over the one that has just finished. It also makes us think how we would like to upgrade our life in the new year. It is such a great time for a change we have been longing for.

At the retreat we had an amazing opportunity to take part in a water blessing under the waterfall where we could use our contemplation from the practices on what did not serve us anymore and let go of it with the flow of the water running over us.

It was a beautiful ceremony and we did feel weight off our chests and minds so profoundly afterwards.

But we can also do it anytime, anywhere. We do not have to travel to Bali. (Although the sensations are much stronger there).

To practice at home letting go of the old that does not serve you anymore and making space to bring in the new:

  • Sit down, close your eyes and stay with your natural breath for a moment. Then slowly extend your breath, inhaling for 4 seconds, exhaling for 4.
  • After a few moments start elongating the exhalation even more, first to a count of 6 and then, if comfortable, increase to a count of 8. Keep that breath going for a while. Inhale 4, exhale 8 (if too long do a ratio of 3/6).
  • Keeping the breath going feel the physical tension slowly leaving your body. Then start reflecting on what is not serving you anymore…. with each exhalation release it from your body, from your mind. Continue letting go all that comes to you… till you feel lightness, pleasantness, spaciousness inside.
  • Resume normal breathing and sit in this beautiful, emptied space for a while.
  • Then go back to the long, even breaths. Inhale for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4.
  • Think of what you would like to bring more of into your new year.
  • With each inhalation feel yourself filling up with exactly that.
  • Keep the breaths going till you feel yourself filled up to the brim with the new. Resume normal breathing and stay in that space for a while.

Once you are done you can journal your reflexions.

Have an amazing, purposeful and intentional New Year.

If you would like to work on your goals individually, in a more structured way, to create new habits that will bring the change in your life that you need, schedule your free call with me to discuss it at:

How can you redesign your life with affirmations?

Affirmations have been my absolute life saver for many years.
It is my number one recommendation to anyone who is starting on the journey of self awareness.
They can be extremely helpful when dealing with difficult and stressful situations in life.
They set our energy field in the higher frequency that matches the high energy of the affirmation. If repeated daily, it becomes our reality. It can counteract all our tendencies of self doubt, self sabotage and self criticism. We all have to deal with them in a different degree, on a daily basis. What we believe is what we have been telling ourselves or what we have been told by others for years. This creates strong patterns of our belief system. Most of the time they are really difficult to break, resulting in sabotaging every wholesome intention we try to undertake. For our intentions to become actions and materialise, we need to believe in our abilities.
That is where the affirmations play a crucial role. They shift, change and redesign our belief system. And the best thing about it is that we can program it the way we want.

In yogic philosophy our belief system is ruled by Svadisthana chakra – energy center located around the upper pelvis space in our physical body. Through the power of that chakra we can co-create ourselves anew over and over again by chosing and reaffirming our beliefs.

Repeating your chosen affirmations daily will make them become your new reality.
These are just a few of my favourite general affirmations from Louise Hay you could use daily:

All is well in my world, my life supports me.
Life brings me only good experiences.
I am open to new and wonderful changes.
All that I seek is already within me.
I handle my own life with joy and ease.
I love myself just the way I am.
I am grateful for my healthy body.
I love my life.
I am unlimited in my wealth.
All areas of my life are abundant and fulfilling.
I flow easily with new experiences, new challenges and new people who enter my life.
My heart is open, I speak with loving words.
I now free myself from destructive fears and doubts.
I am safe.
I am in perfect health.
As I forgive myself it is easier to forgive others.

You can choose any of the above if it resonated with you or you can customise your affirmations.

How to customise affirmations for yourself?

Sit down and close your eyes. Think about your biggest fear or doubt you have about yourself. What tends to be the most common narration about yourself in your head?
Then open your eyes and note it down one by one.

Now change each doubt into a positive sentence. For example if your usual belief about yourself is “I am not good enough” change it into “I succeed in everything I set my mind on.”

Create your list of affirmations in this way, using your negative beliefs and changing them to the empowering affirmations. Reading it out loud daily has the best effects.
Then just watch the change in your consciousness and in your life over a short time.

If you would like to chat more about your limiting beliefs and affirmations you could use to shift them, schedule a free consultation call with me at

7 ways to manage stress with your diet

“Food is information for your cells’ – as one of my teachers, dr Mark Hyman says.
The simplest way to start reducing your stress is to eat whole, real foods.
The right diet, that balances your blood sugar levels and restores hormonal balance, can do wonders to reduce stress’ impact on your body and your life.

So how to adjust your diet for stress?

1. Clean your diet out of ultra processed foods and refined sugars.

They affect your stress levels immensely. Sugar brings your stress hormones up, even if you are not stressed. Imagine what affect it has if you are already in chronic stress. Consider reaching for foods that may help reduce your cortisol levels instead (proteins, healthy fats).

2. Eat regularly to avoid short-term stress of starvation on your body.

If you skip meals the body begins to increase production of cortisol, leaving you stressed and hangry. It can also slow down your metabolism, which can make you gain weight or make it harder to lose it. Long periods without food make your body go into a survival mode (where stress has been prolonged to a degree where a person feels unable to relax).

3. Increase good quality proteins and healthy fats.

They will help regulate your blood sugar (constant spikes and crushes of your blood sugar make the body release more stress hormones) and lower stress hormones, so you can stay more balanced and in control, even if you are faced with challenging events.
And remember that healthy fat does not make you fat. Its an amazing fuel for your cells.

4. Add plenty of veggies, especially leafy greens.

Leafy greens contain chlorophyll (the pigment that gives plants their green colour) which increases our tolerance to oxidative stress (an imbalance between two different types of molecules in your body: free radicals and antioxidants). The green colour comes from the sunlight. Just imagine how beneficial it is absorbing this nurturing life energy (prana) into the body.

5. Take care of your gut health.

All of the tips above will definitely already help your gur flora but the best would be also adding into your diet fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled veggies, natural yoghurt, kefir, kefir water, miso etc. These are amazing for your gut. They contain healthy bacteria it needs. You can also consider supplementing with a good quality probiotic.

6. Watch out for too much coffee.

The good news is you don’t need to give it up completely. But try to gradually cut down to one a day and preferably in the first part of the day. A good way would be to slowly substitute the remaining coffees with other drinks, like matcha (still has some caffeine but does not give jitters like coffee) or herbal teas, to lower the stress response in your body.
Caffeine does bring your stress hormones up and if you are already living with stress you certainly do not need more of it.

7. Eat slower and bite well.

The mere act of eating can be a meditation for your mind, bringing stress levels down. So instead of swallowing your food in a rush, in front of your computer, tv or phone try to eat without any electronics and just be with every bite, savouring it, enjoying the smell, the presentation, the texture and the taste of each food.

Try those tips for a few weeks and I am sure you will notice a big difference. You might experience increased energy levels, more calm and better sleep.

If you are struggling with stress and you need more help with adjusting your diet and/or other tools to build your stress resilience, you can schedule a free consultation with me here :

Digestive Elixir

Are you feeling a bit overloaded after Christmas?

Make sure you do not make yourself feel guilty though.

After the hardship of the year that is about to end we do need softness, understanding and being really kind towards ourselves.

Just embrace the magical moments you had, whatever the celebrations looked like this year for you. Appreciate what you have and who you have in your life, embrace the magic moments of love, peace, kindness, togetherness (even if only virtually this year) and if you were spending it by yourself the relaxing and slowed down time you had.  

Enjoy the last few days of the old challenging year knowing that there is always hope for a better one being just around the corner. Life is about balance!  

What you could do now though is start planning how to balance out the indulgence that some of us might have experienced with a clean eating plan that will bring you back on track. 

It is Ok to enjoy life. We just need to know how to manoeuvre between the extremes and mostly try to be in the middle.

So what would you like to do in the New Year to make yourself feel lighter,  brighter and more energised?

We all have proven ways that work for each one of us. What works for you?

When I feel a bit overwhelmed with food I use this Elixir from our bi-annual detox program:

  • a glass of warm water,
  • juice of half a lemon (or a drop of lemon essential oil you can get it here:,
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar,
  • pinch of sea salt,
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.

Mix well and drink first thing in the morning, minimum 20 min before any food.

If you need more support I am planning a 5 Day Body Reset group program starting the 18th of January 2021. 

More details will follow at the start of the New Year. 

The aim of the program is to reset your body and give it a clean, fresh start in the New Year. 

Are you in?? Great!

For now just still enjoy the festivities and do not worry about the rest.  

Christmas Time is Almost Here Again

It is usually a busy time for most of us now. We are running around preparing and getting ready for the celebrations. Even though it will probably not be the same Christmas as usually this year, we still would like to celebrate it the best we can.

It is a special time of increased feelings of love, warmth, gratitude, happiness, laughter and connections with friends and family.
But also, a time where we worry a bit more about our waistline and letting ourselves go again during the festivities.

There is a solution for that though. You can still enjoy your Christmas sweet treats and add to your joy rather than your waistline.

I was trying out a few things in the kitchen the other day and I accidentally came up with this simple chocolate recipe that is so delicious that your usual sweets will not be missed.

I am sharing this recipe for you to enjoy it without any guilt as it only has clean ingredients.

You can also download more of the Clean Treats recipes here:

Choco Loco Block



Cooking time




  • 1 cup Cacao Butter

  • 1 cup Cashew Butter

  • 2 tbsps Cacao Powder

  • 1/2 cup Dried Sour Cherries

  • 1/2 cup Almonds (blanched, chopped)

  • 1/2 cup Dried Unsweetened Cranberries (pre soaked)

  • 1 tbsp Flax Seed (crushed)

  • 1 tsp Cinnamon

  • 2 tbsps Raw Honey (you can add more to your taste)


  • Put cranberries to soak in a bowl with filtered water
  • Then heat up cacao butter and cashew butter in the pan, when melted add cacao powder. Mix well and take off the stove to cool a bit.
  • Meanwhile chop blanched almonds.
  • Add honey (you can mix with a little bit of water if it is solidified), cinnamon, flax seeds, almonds, drained cranberries and cherries to the chocolate mixture and mix well.
  • Transfer all to a dish lined with baking paper (long, rectangular pan works well) and put to the fridge for a few hours till it sets.
  • Take out the block from the pan, cut in slices and enjoy!! Whatever is left (not for long trust me) keep in the fridge or you can freeze it.